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October 6, 2016
I walk into the Rosh Hashanah service. It’s the evening before, so admittedly not the high point of the High Holiday. But the synagogue...
January 23, 2015
I read a very provocative interview of Elon Musk in Aeon Magazine in which he argues that we must put a million people on Mars if we were...
February 5, 2015 • 4 Comments
Is privacy dead? Do we still maintain the desire to safeguard our habits and thoughts? Or does our recent disregard for privacy show that...
January 7, 2015 • One Comment
With the proliferation of the connected world, privacy (or the lack thereof) should be a major concern for us as citizens. But it...
July 27, 2014
The argument that the U.S. has entered a period of decline is a pretty popular one. And while our decline may or may not be overstated it...